Thursday 12 July 2012

Various type so bearded dragons

It is said that bearded lizards have their local resident in Australia. It is the only continent and the only country that provides with a great variety of dragons. Different species, variations in breeds is easily offered in the continent.
Not just one, but all the species of bearded dragons are well like and popular due to their quiet nature, ease of handling it, and the most beneficial their small size. If compared to any other reptiles, these bearded lizards demand for a small space to live in comfortably and adding to this can be easily handled by both adults and children. There are near about 8 different kinds of species available and few are discussed below. Remember these are the species that one can keep as a pet at his place.
·         The Western Bearded Dragon
These species of dragons are mainly found in the southwest coast and inland areas of western parts of the country. These mainly live in woodland areas, coastal dunes and can live in deserts as well.
·         The domestic Bearded Dragon
These species are largest in all species and grow near about 20 cm in size. Not just found in state is easily found in every territory of the country expect for the western coastal part. The domestic bearded dragon is termed to be the most admired variety of reptilian pet.
·         The Mitchells Bearded Dragon
This bearded dragon is found in the interior of the northern territory of the country and adding to this even originate in the western part in the sandy desert. It is the smallest species and grows near about 14 cm in size. The distinguished factor of this dragon is its large cone head spikes which are poles apart from all the other dragons. Thus, Mitchell’s bearded dragon is the smallest and easily found dragon. 
·         The Dwarf Bearded Dragon
The dwarf-bearded dragon, well thought-out to be personally associated to the Mitchell kind, is mainly originated in the Great Sandy Desert. The dwarf dragon is with no trouble Identifiable because of its little legs, and tiny tail.
·         Lawson’s Bearded Dragon
The Lawson’s bearded dragon is the subsequent mainly all the rage pet type. This species resides in most of Queensland, and some of the Northern Territory, but the area they occupy is still unknown to all.
·         The Nullabor Bearded Dragon
The Nullabor bearded dragon is a very exceptional kind bring into being only in a diminutive region between the South Western, and South Australia. The Nullabor bearded dragon is easily identifiable by its imprints, with hefty white markings by the side of its back, and spines on its sides. However, bearded dragon is the slightest expected of all of the bearded dragons to be kept back as pets, as they are tough to locate in the untamed, and have been known to be very tricky to variety in confinement.
Thus, these are some of the species which one could keep if he is a big animal lover, especially when it comes to bearded lizards. Slot in the one whom you think can easily take care of and provide with suitable custody.

Observe the conduct exhibited by bearded dragon

It is believed that bearded lizards or dragons communicate through their body language. These incorporate special movements that are essential in relaying message to other lizards, dragons or predators. Reptiles and dragons have few activities in common and are essential in displaying certain characteristics. General behavior of bearded lizard is same in both wild and custody. Thus, it is must to learn about the behavior so that you can take proper care of it.
Apart from other reptiles, male and female bearded dragon also has common behavior, and this general conduct is inflating of dragon’s beard. This conduct of inflation could be observed when the dragons are about to mate or when they become belligerent. An inflated beard is more popular among the men, though one cannot deny that it is not at all viewed among the female dragons. If you ever notice that while the dragon is inflating and correspondingly opens his mouth, it can be said that the lizard is getting violent.
Adding to inflating, head bobbing is one more behavior seen in both female and male drags. When a male dragon is bobbing his head, it is said he is doing so to show his supremacy, or boasting masculinity to other dragons. It is generally done in order to make an attempt to appear the masculine and supreme to others. Apart from this, when a male dragon is showing courtship to female dragon, then also head bobbing can be observed.
Then comes into the picture, arm waving. It is generally the sign of obedience in order to dominant dragon. The male and female dragons that are less governing, wave their arms to the dominant reptiles in order to show that they are more subservient. When a female waves arm, it is normally while breeding when it refuses to the courtship of a male bearded lizard.
If you have pet i.e. bearded lizard then you must have seen it curbing its tale. A dragon curbs its tail when it is trying to bend his body and touching the body or head. Tail decrease is a symbol that the bearded dragon is conscientious; it is an imperative signal to prove that your reptile is hale and hearty.
Apart from the above stated there are some common activities too namely sun bathing and perching. It is believed that a bearded dragon sun bathe during the day time. And, this depicts that the dragon is seeking warmth and is busy in normal activities. While one of the dragons is perching, it tends to find a position off the ground to dwell in. Higher the dragon perches more are the chances that it’ll be more dominating. They may perch on tree limbs or rocks. While one is keeping a pet, make sure you give the suitable perching area and even provide a place where he can take sun bath.
Thus, in order to ensure that your pet is hale and hearty it is the duty of the owner to check for the behavior. If you acknowledge any of the changes then for sure there is some or the other problem.

Fundamentals of taking care of bearded dragon

Without any doubt, the bearded dragons are termed to be the most interesting pets around the globe. There are many who don’t like lizards but still on other hand many have kept bearded lizards as pets due to its playful and unique features.
Thus, if you have one or planning to adopt one, then you must take in account bearded dragon care. The most imperative part of dragon care is to build right type of environment and welcome your new friend when he makes to your house for the first time. Although, the dragon is small in size still the cage must be larger in size. And, if you buy a baby dragon then slot in mind that he would grow with time. Thus, a spacious and airy cage is required so that it could develop properly.
While deciding on the cage, think for the accessories that would be bang on to make the dragon feel at home. Accessories can also be termed as the substrate that’ll help the dragon to adapt the new habitat. If you have adopted a young lizard, then do not go for sand. For such pets paper towels, newspapers, or indoor and outdoor carpets are the best and ideal. As a dragon grows with time, the risk of digestion decreases especially of the loose substrate and that is when one can incorporate sand as well. In order to avoid the circumstances, in which your pet might meet with an accident unintentionally, one may avoid keeping bark, corncobs, and nut shell.
Decorating the home of the pet is also very important. Bearded Dragon love both shade and light so build a home where both can be found easily. Dragons are termed to be sub-arboreal animal so for perching they like to be off the ground. For this purpose you may buy a silk plant or greenery from the local store and install it in the cage.
To give dragon’s habitat a great addition you may add artificial rocks and branches. There are reptilian boxes available, you can install them also and these are available in various sizes. Keeping water is must and make sure you keep in a shallow dish. Cage can be misted but ensure that you don’t mess up. This is because this leads to either very cold or very hot. 
Bearded dragons are cold blooded so the owners must ensure that he has provided a place that has adequate place for basking. To provide them with warm, you can buy the specially designed lamps for the reptiles. Low volt bulb and a mirror reflecting it is also suitable. Proper balanced diet of leafy greens, fresh vegetables, meal worms, and gut worms is must in order to keep the pet healthy. Crickets and pinky mice are also pertinent alternative for foodstuff.
These are magnificent creature thus, bearded dragon care is must. This basically doesn’t mean high maintenance. They require certain things accompanied with love and affection. Like other reptiles they cannot have much, thus, only little has to be spent on them. Therefore, above stated fundamental are enough to take care of a bearded dragon.